Monday, January 29, 2007

Starting PS3 Linx Programming


I'm just learning how to program the PS3 in Linux. I'm using Yellowdog Linux, so if you're using another distribution, you may need to change a few things.

First off, in order to compile my examples, you're going to have to change some things, as there are some errors in the YDL distribution I'm using (2.6.16) as of 1/29/2007.

YDL distribution 1208 does not install 'locate' by default, so I recommend you install the RPM.

It's located on the DVD in /Yellowdog/RPMS, and is named mlocate...

I have to assume some things, so I am making the assumption that you know how to install an RPM and that you know how to find things using locate and the tab key.

You'll need to edit /lib/modules/2.6.16.../build/include/linux/input.h

Find the line, kernel_ulong_t, and the whole structure. Before the structure add...
#ifdef __KERNEL__

And after the structure add...

I'll discuss this next time. For now, see if you can use the putPixel routine to get some pixels to display on the screen. (Hint, put your code in the Render Scene section of the main loop.)

Source code can be found here...

Makefile can be found here...

Feel free to email me at

Dr. Dave 'Wheels' Royal

1 comment:

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